Masturbation May is Up and Running!

5 mei 2023, door Steve

Surgeon general Dr. Jocelyn Elders and sex toy manufacturer Good Vibrations have teamed up to promote yet another Masturbation May!

As covered in this blog entry by Ynotcam, the occasion was established back in 1995 after Elders lost a job due to her views on masturbation and its place in being talked about in education.

It’s quite sad that in the supposedly sexually liberated times of 2023 that the ridiculous No Fap November gets more airtime and internet attention than a celebration that it is actually good for your sexual health.

But hopefully this May will see it get more publicity – and as you can see from the above blog, porn legend Jessica Drake is on hand to give out some hints and tips.

When Jessica talks, or does anything, we’re paying attention!

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